On Craigslist under the section for real estate you will find that many people, including Realtors, place all of their Austin sales and lease records online. It is of no charge after all and sometimes helpful; you can also add pictures. After doing this and observing from the searching standpoint how user-unfriendly it was, I consciously arrived to some realizations.
The only truly efficient way to use Craigslist to locate Austin real estate is to search for keywords. Today, for example, there are nearly 300 real estate postings that are new on the "for sale" part of Austin Craigslist real estate section. It would really consume time if you were to scroll along the page and actually read all the title records expecting to get you nowhere. Clicking the "Next 100 Postings" connection at the foot of each page, just gives additional of the same. You'd have to scroll through 1,000-plus postings just to look at the previous 4 days of new entries. Postings are active in Craigslist for 45 days so it is really not likely that people would tramp through all those records. Instead, browsers would search for keywords.
So if I was looking for a property in Circle C or Legends Oaks or Western Oaks or Shady Hollow, I would be typing a search for those area names. Other attributes I would search for would be "Bowie" High School, "Kiker" Elementary, "South Austin," and others that would point me to real estates in the area. If I wanted a property that attended Westlake High School, I'd search for "Eanes" or "Westlake."
Now it is obvious that my record in Craigslist is to be viewed more as a result from a search engine, then it is best to write content with lots of keywords in them.
If I have a Travis Heights listing in South Austin, off South Congress (soco) that is for sale, say that is the situation. Can it be said that the subsequent is a fine ad copy?:
Charming older cottage minutes from downtown and close to everything. Walking distance to area park and pool and local shops and eating places.
Notice the deficiency of relevant keywords in the sample sentence? For example, a searcher likes to locate a Travis Heights property, how would he do so if the area itself is not mentioned? The searcher wouldn't. I've witnessed many poorly printed ads like this on Craigslist.
A better copy would be:
South Central Austin charmer in Travis Heights minutes to downtown Austin, 6th Street and Zilker. Travel on foot to Stacy Park, to South Congress eating places and shops (soco), and pool.
See the dissimilarity? Basically it means the same thing, but in a keyword perspective the last one is more likely to be viewed by a Travis Heights property searcher or by a searcher for homes close to (soco) South Congress.
This step can be enhanced some more by factoring in secondary keywords. For example, a rental listing I recently listed on Craigslist is found in Western Oaks. I start off the ad with:
Excellent property, finely updated in a wonderful Western oaks area, specifically a South Austin area, Circle C and Legend Oaks are close by.
What is the cause behind my mention of Circle C and Legend Oaks being close by? For the reason that anyone browsing for a property for rent in Legend Oaks or Circle C may be attracted in this property in Western Oaks also. The point here is to get the interests of as many as possible. Furthermore is that attribute schools are fine motivating factors for the South Austin location so it is best to state the full name of such schools in case there are some browsing for homes specifically attending such schools.
In short, a website copy and a Craigslist ad are not to be printed differently. One has to inquire "what keywords and search phrases may be utilized by people whom I want to find this content?" Then make certain those keywords are included in what you write.
This article was drafted by R Chandler Smith, an established real estate professional in the Greater Austin area. As a state licensed real estate appraiser, he now manages several real estate appraisal offices across Texas including Houston and Austin areas. He maintains Austin Texas Appraisal Company as well as Real Estate Appraisers in Austin |
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